
website and videos

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    Web, design, film

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Architectural drawings simplified.

Arkiplan provide a quick, simplified, online experience to anyone looking for architectural drawings. Their unique business model is reflected in their brand; being simple and accessible.

To help communicate their proposition, from a business and brand perspective, we redesigned their website - including video content. The 'simplistic' brand personality was then reflected in a set of character designs to be used on digital and print touchpoints.

Film & Advert

Following the design of their website, Arkiplan asked our team to produce an advert to be shown online. We developed the advert, featuring filmed, stock and animation style clips. Carefully edited to highlight Arkiplan's understanding of the potential stresses developing a home can come with.

The next step was to create short, informative 'process' videos to help website visitors to understand the process itself.

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